I am looking to expand, extend, experiment with and explore the possibilities of
K no W Safe Place, 2023, 60 x 48 x 48″ canvas, netting, hemp/nylon/cotton cord, lace, ribbon, paint, wood
I would like to transform it into the focal point and destination of a total environment: Know Safe Space.
Firstly, by adding a roof, that would be created in the same manner, and materials, as its two sides and one back wall: substrate surface of canvas essentially draped over a black-painted dowel, hung from the ceiling with fishline, and tied to the corners of the back and side walls by its corners.
Not being a trained draftsperson, architectural or otherwise, I am visualizing this by drawing over a photograph of the original piece from different vantage points, views or perspectives.
It is a magical process of making, contemplation, and visualization, and the first concrete step to transforming a dream into reality.
To Be Continued….