I have been honored to work with a wonderful group of “older adults” at the Craft Contemporary Museum in Los Angeles, offering a series of workshops teaching bookmaking techniques, and providing a forum for creativity, imagination, sharing and story.
The series, “Crafting Our Stories By Hand” has had to be postponed due covid19.
Therefore, I have started an email newsletter to keep our community going, offering tips, images and sharing the work these makers are doing at home while “sheltering in place”.
Sharing these newsletters as a blog post makes their contents available for any and all. It inspiring to see what these makers have done and are doing during these crazy times.
Dear Bookmakers,
I am happy to bring you images, tips, inspiration and learning for your bookmaking journey.
I hope you are all well, staying safe, and creating!
- More wondrous works by Sandra and Vicki
- Samples of a “Poetry Flag Book” project in honor of April, National Poetry Month
- A link to a special book “Books and Their Artists”, on sale right now through the Getty shared by CORNELIA…thank you Cornelia! I actually own this book and it is amazing, detailed, informative and informational. See right below!

Vicki says, “Hope everyone is having as much fun as I am!”

Remember, you can use the online resources of the Los Angeles Public Library any time during this time.
The Public Library is THERE FOR US ALL!
Well that is it for this week dear Craft Contemporary Bookmakers!
If you are able, and so inclined, email us all back and share something book-related, or plaything you wish, of interest,
Stay safe, stay strong, stay well
In peace and hope and truth and beauty,