Chromatic Interactions I
“CHAPTERS: Book Arts in Southern California” presented at the Craft and Folk Art Museum in LA.
I was commissioned to create an interactive book.
I created “Chromatic Interactions”
It was eye-opening for me to see what people wrote and drew, and how the piece changed over time.
I will be exploring this through a series of posts, now that the show is over, and CAFAM was kind enough to save and give to me many of the file cards added to the book by patrons/visitors/participants…interacting.
Flag book. Stitched flag pockets with windows cut into them.
Accordion spine.
A focus on file folders.
Flag pocket and cover windows align, allowing messages to show through, and creating a tunnel effect.
Color, line, word, image, added by the viewer, become participatory art making and collaborator.
Found file folders crumpled to create surface texture.
Here is some of what Museum visitor participants wrote…
Did they mean “irrelevant” No???
Packing it in.
Successful life…validation
I’m blinded by the light.”