Northridge Branch Library “Writes the Book”!

By Debra Disman
By Debra Disman
We culminated my yearlong Artist Residency at the Canoga Park Branch Library, “We Write The Book!“, supported by the Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs, with a celebration for the whole community! Attendees created their own travel journals, enjoyed refreshments and a slide show of the year’s bookmaking projects, and “take and make” bookmaking packets (complete with materials and instructions) were available for the taking.
Library staff, the security guard, families, seniors and a group of very special adults all got into the act!
A lovely group of teens helped set-up for the event, then participated by making their own travel journals. They share their thoughts about the event HERE.
Adult and teen librarians Patty and Marcia have a moment to play with materials and be creative!
Branch security guard made a travel journal!
Auntie and niece have a making experience together.
This young makers loves the color GREEN!
Assorted materials were available, to offer something to everyone.
Participants had the opportunity to socialize while creating, another human need that sometimes gets put on hold in busy lives.
Happy maker Dawn loves to create books and made a beauty with doors that opened!.
Morning making experience together for mother and daughter.
Making creative re-use of available maps and atlas pages!
Making beautiful use of materials, Patty is ready to document her travels!
Enjoying the process.
And the pink book develops, with maps!
Creativity knows no bounds…
By Debra Disman
By Debra Disman
By Debra Disman
By Debra Disman