Learn to create this kinetic, multi-faceted book and add your words and images to it!

By Debra Disman
By Debra Disman
I just started a new Artist Residency in Bookmaking, “We Write the Book” at the West Valley Regional Branch Library of the Los Angeles Public Library, through the Los Angeles City Department of Cultural Affairs.
Working with families, I led a bookmaking workshop (called a “program” in Library parlance) for a group of 20 in which they created handmade accordion fold books with pockets, which fit perfectly into the LAPL Summer Reading theme of “Express Yourself”.
Makers focused on themes of identity, relationships and of course, self-expression!
The results were heart-warming and impressive, and a good time was had by all, as well as the learning of new skills, and a whole lot of self-expression!
Materials galore!
Creating together.
Families attended as a group.
Moms get into the act!
Dad gets into the act!
Library Children’s Librarian Sky, and teen volunteer.
An opportunity to express emotions.
Creativity abounds.
Pockets hold handmade treasures.
The beautiful results!
Proud bookmakers!
By Debra Disman
For ADA accommodations, please call (213) 228-7430 at least 72 hours prior to the event.
This program is made possible in part by a grant from the City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs!
By Debra Disman
By Debra Disman
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Download File: https://debradisman.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/CULMINATION_WVRBL_2021-22.mp4?_=1By Debra Disman
Para ajustes razonables según la ley de ADA, llama al (213) 228-7430 al menos 72 horas antes del evento.