I am thrilled to be a part of the Brand 51 Annual National Exhibition of Works on Paper at the Brand Library and Art Center, Glendale, CA, juried by Ara Oshagan

The Associates of Brand Library & Art Center in Glendale, California, announces its 51st Annual National Juried Exhibition of Works on Paper. This year’s juror is internationally known photographer, curator, author, and speaker, Ara Oshagan. A resident of Glendale, Ara is the co-curator of ReflectSpace Gallery at Glendale Central Library. Since 2017, ReflectSpace Gallery has installed nearly forty exhibitions focused on current and historical social issues that have local, national and international impact. As co-curator, Ara exhibits contemporary art as well as archives, employing a vast range of media from drawing to photography, to painting, projection, sound, installation, public art, technology-based and interactive media. His artistic practice demonstrates a keen eye and appreciation for conceptual as well as representational art.
Catalog: A printed catalog of the exhibition will be available for purchase and will be accessible online.
Sales: Unless specified not for sale (NFS), all artworks will be offered for sale. A portion of all sales will benefit the Associates of Brand Library & Art Center.
The Associates of Brand Library & Art Center is an all-volunteer non-profit that raises funds to support the extensive free and public events offered at Brand including gallery exhibitions, classical and popular music performances, film screenings, dance performances, and activities for people of all ages. Entry fees and commissions from the sale of artworks from Brand 51 will be used to continue the important cultural programming that Brand Library & Art Center brings to the community.
Contact Debra Thompson, Brand 51 Exhibition Chair: [email protected]