I am thrilled to have a solo exhibition at ReflectSpace Gallery, part of Glendale Arts and Culture, which opened Saturday January 28th and is on view through March 19,2023.
The show, a dream come true that I did not even know I had, was curated by the wonderful Ara and Anahid Oshagan of The City of Glendale.
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Beautiful show video by Jennifer Remenchick, artist, writer, videographer and exhibition installer.

The opening was warm, wonderful and wild!

Our ReflectSpace-published artist book: “Concurrencies Charlotte Salomon, and Eva Hesse Genius, Trauma and the Creative Imagination”.
I was moved and surprised by flowers sent by my family, and a certificate presented by Senator Anthony L. Portantino!

Stacie B. London, exhibition designer and installer extraordinaire…and esteemed colleague.

Artist colleagues Laurey Bennett Levy and Rebecca Youseff

The very colorful artist and animator Michelle Robinson

Beloved artist and curator friend, Frida Cano
Frida and Mick

Dear friend and actor extraordinaire, Suzanne Voss

Long-time no-see friend Rayne with Mark

Mark and I hanging with the beautiful Anahid Oshagan, curator and lawyer, and Glendale Mayor Ardy Kassakhian

I was honored to receive a City of Glendale Certificate of Recognition, presented by Senator Anthony L. Portantino!
Glendale Mayor Ardy Kassakhian and Senator Anthony L. Portantino!
Director of Glendale Library Arts and Culture Gary Shaffer, Mon Cher Mark, Curator Anahid Oshagan, and Glendale Mayor Ardy Kassakhian