I was thrilled to be part of:
Surface Design Association’s Southwest Regional Exhibition at Tubac Center of the Arts!
Annie Lopez, Juror
Exhibiting Artists
Elizabeth Abaravich, Amie Adelman, Lisa Jean Allswede, Jim Barry, Keri Bas, Julie Bates, Daiva Bergman Harris, Blair Cahill, Jan Caldwell, Cael Chappell, Claudia Cocco, Vicki Conley, Sue Conner, Beth Cunningham, Debra Disman, Diana Fox, Dellis Frank, Amelia Greco-Welden, Michele Hardy, Jackie Heupel, Stephanie Hilvitz, Dong Kyu Kim, Molly Koehn, Julie Kornblum, Mary-Ellen Latino, Karon Leigh, Nancy Lemke, Christine LoFaso, Viviana Lombrozo, Jeannie Mehl, Christine Miller, Jaya Miller, Kathy Nida, Marty Ornish, Nancy Peterson, Michael Rohde, Connie Rohman, Tamara Scott-Anderson, Danielle Shelley, Asher Sinclaire, Bonnie Smith, Karen Smith, Nancy Jo Smith, Karin Soderholm, Meredith Strauss, Sheila Tymon, Shelly White,Peggy Wiedemann, Emily Yarborough
I showed:
Excavation of the Interior”, 2021, 12 x 28 x 12.5″, wood, mulberry paper, watercolor paper, hemp cord, canvas, muslin

Annie Lopez, Juror
Annie Lopez creates narrative work presenting a dialogue about racism, stereotypes, the local art world, personal relationships and family. Most known for cyanotype work, she’s based in Phoenix, AZ.
Juror’s Statement
I was privileged to see some incredible art and had many “why didn’t I think of that?” moments.
Selecting work was challenging. My approach was for the exhibition to have a personality, not a theme. The final selections resonated with me; made a statement or displayed unusual approaches with words, design, or techniques. These works showcase the artist’s imagination through a variety of technical skills, and each provide insight into the maker